Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

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GNU/Linux Users Group

Chair(s): Chinmaya Mahesh


The primary goal of IPL is to prepare contestants for ICPC Regionals and World Finals. Additionally, IPL is a place for participants to polish their technical skills by learning and practicing algorithms and data structures.

Chair(s): Nikil Ravi, Yen-Hsiang Chang

Meeting times: 4pm (CST/CDT) every Sunday, starts from Feb. 7. Zoom link

Join Campuswire with code 4080


Special Interest Group for Human-Computer Interaction

We're a SIG that focuses on Human-Computer Interaction. This semester, we will be focusing on 3 different projects: a kiosk for the ECEB building, our own SIG's website, and an IoT project focused on UX. We will be hosting workshops almost every meeting!

Chair(s): Abhimanyu Thosar, Swathi Ram, Mitchell Bifeld

Meeting times: Tuesdays at 6:00 PM, project meetings at various times throughout the week. Discord link


Special Interest Group for Graphics

We explore all things computer graphics including modeling, rigging, animation, VR, shaders, and more!

Chair(s): Sahil Patel, Bryan Huang

Meeting times: 12-1pm central on Saturdays. Zoom link

Join the slack


Special Interest Group for High-Performance Computing

Chair(s): Jonathan Nativ


Special Interest Group for Cloud Computing

SIGCloud teaches students how they can use Cloud technologies and remote DevOps for their personal and professional projects. It focuses on leveraging platforms such as AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, DigitalOcean, CircleCI etc.

Chair(s): Shreyas Kishore


Special Interest Group for Programming Languages

Chair(s): Reed Oei


Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics

We seek to educate UIUC students on the fundamentals and state of the art topics in machine learning and data science. We hope to present topics in an accessible and engaging way so that everyone can take part in the exciting data revolution.

Chair(s): Ajay Arasanipalai, Jeffrey Lai, Jatin Mathur, Michael Xiang, Shaw Kagawa, Shrirang Bagdi, John Li

Join the Discord


Special Interest Group for Quantum Computing

Our goal is to have inclusive organization for students to learn and utilize quantum computing through education resources, projects, and field networking.

Chair(s): Bailey Tincher, Graeme Jacobson

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Special Interest Group for Operating Systems

Chair(s): Anshul Sanamvenkata, Chinmaya Mahesh, Kapil Kanwar

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Special Interest Group for Mobile Development

SIG dedicated towards learning more about mobile development.

Chair(s): Matt Geimer

Email us

Meeting times: 5:00pm-6:00pm Central Time. Discord link


Special Interest Group for Music

Chair(s): Sahil Patel and Billy Walters

Meeting times: Fridays 5-6pm (new meetings TBD). Discord link


Special Interest Group for Security

Chair(s): Joseph Ravichandran

Email us

Meeting times: Thursday 6:00 to 7:00. Discord link


Special Interest Group for Natural Language Learning

A project-based natural language processing club open to all students regardless of background and prior experience.

Chair(s): Jack Nash, Nishant Balepur

Email us

Zoom link

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